Monday, August 16, 2021

August 16 - on to Sandusky, OH and Marblehead Lighthouse

    Our travel to our next campsite this morning was only 2-1/2 hours, and it was an easy road trip, except for the route through Cleveland.  That was a bit heavy with traffic.  I have noticed that driving on I-90 Interstate, the slower trucks (and me in the RV) are traveling in the right lane.  And all of the cars are now traveling in the left lane, making it a travel lane, instead of a passing lane.  And, it gets backed up, if the first car in the line is going a bit slower.  So, cars start passing in the right lane.  Go figure.

    We are only at this campsite for 2 nights, and it is 10 minutes from the Lake Erie shore, in the town of Sandusky.  We set up the RV, had lunch, and decided to do some sightseeing, even though it had started raining, on and off.  It turns out there are several islands off the coast here and a long peninsula.  We decided to drive the peninsula outer shore road, over to Marblehead Lighthouse park.  We had to sit in the car for a bit until it stopped raining so much, in order to walk over to the Lighthouse. But it was a really neat location--with a shoreline lined with big, flat rocks, that the waves splashed up over.  The lighthouse overlooks Sandusky Bay, and standing on the rocks, you can look out over the Bay and see Cedar Point Amusement Park across the Bay.  Huge, tall park rides sticking up from the shore.  And the shore drive around the outer peninsula had some very nice views.  

   Back for dinner, and that is enough for one day.  Although, as I am sitting here typing this blog, I am hearing a loud racket outdoors--very loud crickets or spring peepers (can they still be called spring peepers in late summer?).  Continuous.  And did I say loud?  It is actually sort of nice, music like.

Marblehead Lighthouse photos:

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