Sunday, October 20, 2019

Oct 19 - Northern CA coast & Redwoods

We spent the day traveling down the California coast for about 20 miles.  This is a very scenic coastline road, and there are many overlooks, incredible ocean beach & jutting rock vistas, with steep, curvy roads leading to them.  The vistas overlook the amazing ocean, each view different and magical, with the waves exploding against the rocks.  How delightful.  We took  a picnic lunch, and had it at Crescent Beach Overlook.  Here is our list of the places we stopped, more or less:

  • Enderts Beach Road, leading to Crescent Beach Overlook--I learned that all those rocks jutting out of the ocean are properly called "seastacks".
  • Requa Rd to the Klamath River Overlook -this took us to the north side of the mouth of the Klamath River
  • Coastal Drive Loop -  This ended up on the south side of the Klamath River.  This started at the Old Douglas Memorial Bridge Site, where an old bridge crossed the Klamath River, but in the 60's a storm destroyed it. It now has one side of the bridge end, with stone statues of bears on either side.  I said "who builds bridges and puts statues on the ends?"  However, on our return journey, we crossed over the new bridge that replaced it, and it has gold bear statues on the ends.  Part of this loop is so narrow and curvy, along the ocean mountain side, that it needed to be one way.  But, way beautiful.
  • Trees of Mystery -- this is a nicely done, private Redwoods forest and walk.  It has one of the tallest, oldest, privately owned Redwood trees in the world.  The trails through the forest were well done, and very informative.  AND, they put in a SkyTram, going 1/3 mile up the forested mountains.  What incredible views from the Tram windows.  I am amazed at how they build these things, perched on the edge of the mountains like that.  They are currently building a tree-top walkway--see photo.  Looks really cool, but scary.
We stopped at the Crescent City harbor for dinner.  There were seals in the harbor on the rocks, barking non-stop.  

California northern Coastal Overlooks and scenic drive photos:

Tree of Mystery Redwood photos:

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