Sunday, October 20, 2019

Oct 17 - Goodbye beautiful Oregon, Hello California !

  Other than our car tire pressure icon coming on, again, this morning, after the Tire Place person said they tested the tire and it was good, our trip over to northern California was quite nice.  We went through a pass in the mountains.  The morning rain pretty much stopped as we drove, and the deciduous trees are all turning a bright yellow, with a few red ones thrown in.  The end of our travels is in the Redwood National and State Park area, about 15 minutes from Crescent City, CA, on the ocean.  Our campground is nice, hardly anyone is here, so we have a lot of space.
   After setting up the RV, our first order of business was to address the tire issue.  So, we drove into Crescent City, to a Les Schwab Tire store.  Apparently, they are a big chain out here in the west.  They also tested the tire, but they took it and put it in water to see if there was a leak.  Behold, there was a stone that had gone through the tire.  They did a patch, and voila, it is fixed.  AND, they repaired it for free!  Nice way to get future business (if I happened to live in an area that had their stores).
   Since we were already in town, we decided to go over to the ocean.  How Amazing!!  The ocean waves were really crashing into the rocks.  We went to Crescent Harbor, that is along the Beachfront Park.  It has a really long fishing pier, and also very long jetties.  We walked to end of the pier and watched the waves crash over the jetty.  Then we walked over to Battery Point, which overlooks the now defunct Crescent Lighthouse.  The lighthouse is located on a little island, accessible during low tide, which was not while we were there.  What a great view--rocks pebbling the shore, big rocks jutting out of the water, and waves crashing.  It really gives you a clear feeling of how powerful the ocean is.  Some of the waves crashed into the rocks and splashed up 20 - 30 feet.  I did capture one of those splashes on video.
  We then drove along Pebble Beach Drive, along the ocean.  We found a neat little turnout, at Pt. St. George, that went down to the rocky shore, and just sat there, amazed!  It was like seeing fireworks--each crashing wave was different, and exhilarating.  I didn't know where to look, there was so much going on.  And the POWER of the ocean!  You could see the waves crashing into the air all the way out on the horizon.  Also, the shapes of the rocks jutting out of the ocean, made really neat silhouettes against the sky. 
  Came back to the RV, made dinner, and did our blogging.

Crescent City harbor and Batter Point Lighthouse photos:

Point St. George photos:

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