Thursday, April 18, 2019

Apr 17 - Chincoteague Island and Assateague Island National Wildlife Reserve

  We headed out early to drive up to Chincoteague Island.  On our way, we stopped and picked up the water hose at Walmart that we needed, and some cheap DVD's to watch, as our internet reception is sketchy, at best.
  As we were approaching the Island, we passed NASA's rocket launching site.  As it turns out, there was a launch of a space rocket up to the International Space Station, at 4:45pm today, and even though it was just before noon, people were already lining up to get access to the visitor center, to be able to watch the launch.  We arrived at the Assateague Island Wildlife Refuge, and was told the Island Refuge would close at 2pm today, due to the launch.  The island is actually a great place to watch the launch, as the Rocket was being launched from Wallon Island, just across the inlet.  However, apparently, 2 years ago, the rocket blew up, as it was being launched, and the pieces fell all around the area.  So, they close off the area now.
  We did a 2 mile hike loop on the Island, going to the Wild Pony overview.  This was a overlook that looked out over acres of plains with sea grass.  There were two bands of ponies grazing, as they have done for hundreds of years.  However, now the Chincoteague Fire Department manages the numbers of ponies, to usually around 150.  They have an annual pony sale, of the new foals, to keep the numbers stable.
  Then we walked further on the loop to the Bivalve trail, which led out to a portion of the Chesapeake  Bay.  This is where the county rents lots on the bottom of the Bay to fisherman, to harvest the oysters.  The lots have been in the family for generations.  We sat on a log and ate lunch, until the Fish & Wildlife ranger came by on his golf cart and reminded us we needed to be out of the park by 2pm.
  We had scheduled a Wild Pony and Nature boat cruise for 3:30pm, so that worked out.  We were a bit early, so scouted out the harbor, where we were to meet the boat for the cruise.  As it turns out, the marina is at the southern most tip of Chincoteague Island, right across from the NASA launch site, so lots of folks were bringing their chairs to sit and wait for the launch.  We sat for awhile, until I got a text that they were closing that section of the harbor, due to the launch, and we needed to get over to a different boat launch, nearby.  So off we went.
  The tour took us back out the Assateague Island, this time looking at the ponies from the water.  It was a beautiful sunny day, but rather cold and windy in the boat.  We ended the tour by going over to view the launch from the water.  It was really cool!  At the exact time, which you could watch the countdown online, the rocket took off.  We saw it as a dot of fire with a white contrail, zooming up into the sky.  Then, a few seconds later, you heard the roar of the engines, and saw the smoke at the launch site.  I took a video of it, but this blog doesn't seem to allow me to post a video.  The whole launch thing felt very serendipitous--we were in the right place at the right time.
  Went for dinner, to wait for the traffic to get off the island, after the launch.  Took a sort of scenic ride home.  On the way back to our campground, we saw three herds of deer, eating in the open fields along the quiet back road.  There were at least 10 - 20 in each herd.  We had never seen so many deer together before. It was really neat.
  We hooked up our water with our new hose-yeh!  Then, watched one of the DVD's--An Indian in the Closet--a kids movie, but fun.

Assategue Island Wildlife Refuge photos:
Wild Ponies:
 Hiking the loop trail:

Marina at south end of Chincoteague Island, waiting for the launch:

Wild Pony & Nature cruise photos:

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