Morning spent on our computers. I actually started on my tax returns. This afternoon we went on the Honey Island swamp tour. It was a 2 hour tour on the Old Pearl River, and off into the swamp on the sides. We actually saw two baby alligators, turtles, a crawfish (brought into the boat and passed around), snakes, and a green snake--also brought into the boat and passed around. We then saw and fed the feral wild pigs, living in the deep swamp. The swamp tour guide/captain was OK. Tried to be funny, but . . .
Decided afterwards to just drive to the north side of Lake Pontchartrain. So we picked a town on the map and went there to explore. Turns out that we actually couldn't get to the lake, only a river flowing into it. And, we noticed that towns in Louisiana look about the same as towns in New England (only no snow). So we found a place to eat, and returned "home".
By the way, Lake Pontchartrain has one of the longest bridges--25 miles long, going from the north side into New Orleans. We only took a short one--just 5.6 miles long, when we went into New Orleans from the east.
I've always wanted to see Lake Pontchartrain, ever since I heard the ballad "The Lakes of Pontchartrain" on a cassette tape that my old friend in Bloomington, Steve Rapp, made for me. It always evoked sad/sweet emotions, that I associate with that Lake. Seeing the lake 40 years later, however, didn't quite do it. Smile.
Swamp tour photos:
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