Tuesday, August 11, 2020

June, 2020 - Happenings at Home

 June has been a very active month, with some delightful events occurring, in spite of Covid-19.  Since both Tamara and Mike started back to work this month, Tamara after her maternity leave, Mike after a Covid furlough, they needed some child care until their more permanent arrangements could be made.  So, Claire and I helped out.  A few days at their place, and a few days with them staying over at the condo.  Even with Cheyenne being a huge help, it is quite the feat to spend a full day with a 3 month old, a almost 4 year old, and a 12 year old.  Savannah (4 yrears old) is actually the most challenging--figuring out ways to keep her busy, occupied and happy.  But spending time with them was fun.  

I also spent some time this month gardening.  My strip along side of our condo.  I planted a few annuals to give it more color.  And, I added another bush, some hostas, and some more annuals to the front of the condo.  The landscapers had removed the snow-damaged bushes from the front, and replaced them with two small bushes.  It looked very forlorn.  I even put a Montavilla climbing flowering bush by the garage.

Other news for June -- Cheyenne graduated from 6th grade.  I "attended" her Zoom graduation.  Quinn graduated from Kindergarten.  Shanti and Aimee celebrated their 20th anniversary, and Anica and Aaron celebrated their 11th anniversary. How time does fly.  

The biggest news is that Tamara and Mike got married, and had a Zoom wedding in their backyard.  (See separate post for wedding photos.)  Their originally planned wedding date of July 3rd, with a big wedding celebration was postoned, due to Covid.  They each had a close friend at the ceremony, and a photographer.  I think it turned out very nice.  A beautiful day.  Beautiful people.  And the close family Zoomed it.  Then they posted the recorded Zoom of the wedding for the larger family and friends.  They still hope to have a reception, maybe next July.

Garden photos:

Cheyenne Zoom graduation photos:

Quinn's graduation from Kindergarten--didn't want a photo taken:

Shanti & Aime's 20th anniversary photo:

Anica & Aaron's 11th anniversary photo:

Childcare family-style photos:

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