Saturday, July 30, 2022

Month of May 2022

May 2 -  Hang out with Savannah for the afternoon.  We put together one of her Science Projects -- the planets,  and star constellations.  We made 2 videos of her finished projects, and she explained them, in such an adorable fashion.  I'd put them on this blog, but I can't get videos to work on it.

May 3 - Aaron's birthday, Yummy cake.

May 7 - finished another jigsaw puzzle.  This one was fun.  

May 8 -Mother's Day.  Got a pop-up flower card and some adorable owl succulent pot holders from Anica's family.

May 12 - we decided to go to the Brimfield Flea Market.  This is famous in Massachusetts.  It is along the main street through Brimfield, as well as down side alleys, and goes for an entire mile.  It is definitely an experience.  Unfortunately, there wasn't really anything there that I was interested in.  It is not an art show, it really is a huge number of tents with a LOT of junk and stuff.  There were a few interesting shops.  I can now cross that off my bucket list (if it was ever on it).

May 14 - looking for another interesting hike fairly near to home.  We found the Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park.  This canal was 46 miles long and in the 1800's connected Worcester to Providence. It now has a really nice hiking trail all along it.  We walked a few miles.  Very nice.

May 18 - Actually, May 8th was Cheyenne's 14th birthday, but we couldn't arrange a get together until today.  We had a nice dinner at a restaurant in Hadley.  She is such a delightful young lady.

May 19 - A Lafayette Day.  We first went over to the nearby historical Ryder Tavern, where they unveiled a Lafayette marker, which identified this stop on Lafayette's tour, on Sept 3rd, 1824.  We then drove into Cambridge, to the French Ambassador's personal residence.  We had appetizers and he gave a speech about Lafayette. 

May 19 - Shilah's Junior Prom.  How beautiful, and boyfriend Hudson looks so handsome. 

May 25th - WE HAVE DECIDED TO SELL OUR RV ! !  We finally picked it up from the RV dealer, who has had it for a list of repairs since NOV 6th!  The RV market is still doing fairly well, given the economy and Covid.  So we have listed it with an agent at National Vehicle, who creates and uploads an add, with lots of photos and description, to around 6 online RV sale websites.  They also field all calls and handle the sale transaction.  They can also offer financing.   The price is a little more than what we paid for it 4 years ago.  We'll see. 

May 26 - Our annual hike around Moore State Park.  This is the park where the original owners planted thousands of rhododendron and azalea plants, and the park created some nice hiking trails along the stream and by the lake.  Nice day, and nice hike. 

May 29 - great visit with Anica, Aaron, Quinn & Owen.  They came to our house - we walked the neighborhood over to the little pond at the golf course where they threw in lots of acorns, rocks and sticks.  They also hunted for golf balls, across from the golf course.  Apparently, there are lots of golfers missing golf balls on our property across the road from the golf course.  

Here are the photos for the month - slightly out of order.  Oh well.

My next Jigsaw puzzle - done

Aaron's Bday

Savannah's Science Project

Anica's family visit

Moore State Park

Moore State Park

Moore State Park

Moore State Park

Moore State Park

Moore State Park

Moore State Park

Moore State Park

Moore State Park

Moore State Park

RV For Sale !

Shilah's Junior Prom

Shilah's Junior Prom

French Ambassador's Lafayette speech

Ryder Tavern -unveiling the Lafayette marker

Cheyenne's 14th Bday dinner

Cheyenne's 14th Bday dinner

Cheyenne's 14th Bday dinner

Mother's Day present

Blackstone River & Canal State Park

Blackstone River & Canal State Park

Blackstone River & Canal State Park

Brimfield Flea Market

Brimfield Flea Market

Brimfield Flea Market

Brimfield Flea Market

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Month of April 2022

 Covid - YUK.  Peter and I both had Covid, but, fortunately, the symptoms were mild.  Unfortunately, a few weeks later, I came down with the Flu.  This was MUCH worse than Covid.  I had a horrible cough for 2 -3 weeks, until I finally felt better.  YUK.

Apr 17 - we really needed to get out and about, so we decided to try a Rail trail in Holden that we had walked once before.  However, this time, we walked a different route, and it was so windy and thus cold, that we ended up cutting our walk very short.  Oh well.  It did get us out of the house.

Apr 22 - on a trip home from the Amherst area, it was a beautiful day and we decided to stop at the Quabin Reservoir and walk across the dam and over to the spillway.  Great long walk.  Then, we took the scenic Route 9 home, instead of the MA Pike, and had dinner at the Castle Restaurant.  It used to be OK, with the location right on a lake making up for the menu.  However, since we were there last, they changed owners and now it is a Tappas restaurant.  Not much for me to eat, and it wasn't very good.  Great building, though.  And, dinner was on the Accounting firm that Peter and I worked for during tax season.  So. Yeh!

Apr 23 - Getting new phones.  My phone started acting up, and all of us on our Verizon cell phone plan were due for upgrades.  So, Peter, Claire and I all went into the Verizon store and bought new cell phones, then spent a couple of hours getting them set up.  What a pain, but glad to have a new, working phone.  

Apr 29 - spring is here.  Pretty flowers from our daily 2 mile walk.

Apr 30 - Another beautiful spring day, and my need to get out and about in nature.  So we drove over to the Hopkinton State Park for our daily walk.  

Holden Rail Trail

Quabin Reservoir dam

Quabin Reservoir dam

Quabin Reservoir dam

Quabin Reservoir dam

Spillway at the Quabin Reservoir 

Castle Restaurant

Castle Restaurant

Claire at Verizon

Spring flowers on our daily walk

Spring flowers on our daily walk

Hopkinton State Park

Hopkinton State Park

Hopkinton State Park

Hopkinton State Park